We are really proud of our Recommender so let us tell you more about how it works.
When you set up a student account linked to your educator account, you are asked to specify the current school year of each student. We ask this so that we can assign them a set of relevant starter activities for their age. Based on their performance in these activities, we are able to get them started at the right level within the EdPlace activity library.
If your student has recommendations switched ON, we will continue to assign them activities (after these starter activities) which we think are a good fit for them based on their performance, subject and year group they are completing until they progress through the entire year's content, unless this feature is turned off.
All activities which have been assigned to your student by us will be clearly identified in their student account under the 'Assigned to you' section of their To Do List. The activities which are recommended will show as Assigned By 'EdPlace'. Activities which have been assigned by you as their Teacher or by themselves, will also appear under 'Assigned to you' but Assigned By 'Teacher' or by the student themselves (unless you have a custom-branded account, in which case your company/institution name will appear instead):
Activities which have been started but not yet finished will appear under the heading 'In progress activities'.
If you would prefer to turn our recommendations OFF and only allow your student to attempt activities assigned directly to them, this is very easy too. Simply select 'Manage Students' in the left-hand menu of your dashboard, click on the '+' next to their Year or Group, find their name, and switch the button underneath the 'Recommendations' heading from ON to OFF:
Please note, if a student has previously had recommendations turned ON, you will need to delete any activities which have already been assigned to them. For more information on how to do this, please click here.
We hope that this tool will be a great option for you to consider and employ based on the individual needs of each of your students. If you have any more questions about our recommendations or need any other help at all, please contact our friendly Customer Support Team via email at help@edplace.com.