We ask to know your child's year when you started using EdPlace so that we can automatically assign them the best work for their age and ability via our smart recommendations tool. To learn more about what this is and how this works, please click here to read more.
However, no one knows what your child needs better than you, so we expect that there will be times when you want to assign some work to them as well, even if you have recommendations turned on. This could be as a result of seeing your child struggle on a tricky piece of homework, having a parents' evening and getting some feedback from their teacher, or just to spice things up a little and keep them engaged.
Although EdPlace is organised by year group and with National Curriculum age-related expectations in mind, we know there will be times when your child needs to review something they have previously learnt at school or needs the challenge of stepping things up a level.
So, great news! Assigning your child an activity from any year group is a doddle - let us explain how.
Firstly, log into your parent account at www.edplace.com/parent or the parent iOS or Android app.
If you are using the website, click on the 'Browse and assign' tab on the left-hand menu of your dashboard.
If you are using the app, click on the 'Browse' icon in the 'Activities' tab which is in the bottom, right corner and looks like this:
Once you are in the correct place, you will see a full menu of our activities:
You can browse any year group or subject area you choose, assigning activities on an individual or topic level. If you need help with assigning activities, please click here to watch a video on this. (Please note, you will always be able to browse all our activities but you may be unable to assign work from some subject areas if these are not included in your current subscription plan.)
If you are trying to locate a specific topic or skill and are not sure where it will appear, click here to read more about our 'Search' function and how to use it.
Any work you assign to your child will appear in their To Do List under the 'Assigned to you' heading:
We want to keep this separate from work that has been automatically assigned based on their year group (under 'Recommended by EdPlace') so you can have confidence that any activities you do assign will not interfere with this process.
We hope that this article has given you the confidence to explore all the activities which EdPlace has to offer so that you can supplement your child's learning with any topics you would like to see them master sooner. If you have any further questions or need any help, please contact our friendly Customer Support Team via email at help@edplace.com.